The Ultimate Guide To Kratom Potentiators

Kratom 03-02-2024

A kratom potentiator, in the most general sense, is a substance which can be taken to increase the effect kratom has on an individual. This is important as the aim should always be to take the optimal therapeutic dose in order to maximize benefits and minimize any potential side effects.

Note: This article will be updated in the coming days.

The Three Subcategories

  1. Kratom Potentiators - These substances enhance the potency of kratom powder.
  2. Kratom Bioavailability Enhancers - These substances increase the absorption percentage of alkaloids from kratom, thereby intensifying its effects.
  3. Kratom Tolerance Reducers - These substances diminish tolerance to kratom, indirectly enhancing its effects by reducing accumulated tolerance levels.

Typically potentiators are taken with kratom, bioavailability enhancers are taken before you take kratom, and tolerance reducers are taken at other times or on days you don’t consume kratom. There is however a fourth, special class of substances with pair well with kratom:

  1. Kratom Synergizers - These are substances with independent effects on the mind and/or body, believed to enhance the desirable effects of kratom through synergistic interactions alone. Unlike other types, substances in this category do not directly amplify the strength of kratom; instead, their effects are believed to complement those of kratom when combined.

Key Reasons to Enhance the Potency of Your Kratom

  1. Get more out of less - Enhancing the effectiveness of your kratom consumption not only leads to cost savings but also reduces the likelihood of encountering adverse side effects, typically associated with excessive dosages. Some individuals on online forums express concerns about the perceived drawbacks of kratom, yet a closer examination reveals that certain complaints stem from consumption exceeding 50g or even 100g per day. Analogously, similar to how responsibility for health lies with the individual when consuming excessive cheeseburgers, prudent kratom use rests with the individual rather than the fast-food provider.

  2. To reduce tolerance - Employing kratom potentiation serves as a strategic approach to mitigate tolerance development. This method enables users to sustain desired effects with lower and more controlled doses over an extended period.

  3. To feel a stronger effect - Through the incorporation of potentiators, individuals aim to amplify the overall impact of kratom, enhancing the subjective experience and achieving a more pronounced and satisfying outcome.

  4. To increase the duration of the effect - Potentiating kratom serves as a technique to extend the duration of its effects, providing users with a more sustained and prolonged experience.

The most important aspect of a quality kratom dose

Before we delve into the specifics of kratom potentiators it must be understood that the most effective “potentiator” is your general overall health. This includes proper hydration (especially around dosing), high quality sleep, exercise, decent nutrition, high quality magnesium intake, and a functional digestive system. If you can’t nail these basics then focus on fixing these core fundamentals first then chances are the kratom dose will never be as effective for you as it can be.

1. Black Pepper (piperine)

Black pepper contains a compound called piperine, which has been found to enhance the effects of certain substances, including kratom. Here’s how piperine may potentiate kratom:

2. Curcumin

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, may potentially enhance or potentiate the effects of kratom in several ways;

Orange tumeric powder on table

3. L-Tyrosine (or N-acetyl-l-tyrosine NALT)

L-tyrosine and its acetylated form, N-acetyl L-tyrosine (NALT), are amino acids that serve as precursors to neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. While there isn’t direct scientific evidence indicating that L-tyrosine potentiates kratom specifically, there are theoretical ways in which it could interact:

4. Nicotine

Nicotine releases many neurotransmitters and hormones, including acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, arginine vasopressin, serotonin, dopamine, and β-endorphin. The action on β-endorphin is main reason why it’s on this list. It enhances the action of serotonin and opioids. So if you’re a smoker, vaper, nicotine gum chewer, or even a distinguished snus enthusiast; you may have noticed that nicotine potentiates some strains significantly. Smoking right before the effects kick in greatly enhances the onset. However we strongly do not recommend picking up a nicotine habit simply for the sake of kratom.

5. Phenibut

While technically phenibut is not a potentiator pharmacologically for kratom, we thought it should be included under the category “synergizer”.

However caution must be advised. Phenibut should never be taken more than 2 days in a row ideally as the body may become dependent on it, leading to a problematic withdrawal. In general no GABA drug should be used daily. Taking phenibut along with the kratom at most twice per week in moderation alongside doses of kratom is found to be safe and very effective. It must be re-emphasized that this combination is probably best avoided if you have an addictive personality.

This combination (or just phenibut itself) is best used for things like presentations, first dates, interviews, or if you know you absolutely need to sleep due to a big day the next day, and hell just once in a while for a good time or an especially productive day.

For more information on this combination please check out our article on phenibut.

6. Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa)

Black seed oil has been traditionally used for its potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties. It is the black seeds referred to by Prophet Muhammad, who once stated, “The black seed can heal every disease, except death”.

Black seed oil (nigella sativa) on table

7. Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Combining full-spectrum CBD oil with kratom may potentially offer complementary effects due to their interactions with various physiological systems.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil in 25ml amber bottle

8. Coffee / Caffeine

Three cups of coffee

9. Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice contains compounds known as furanocoumarins, which can inhibit certain enzymes in the liver and intestines responsible for metabolizing drugs and substances, including kratom alkaloids.

Individual responses to supplementation can vary, and there may be risks or adverse effects associated with combining these substances, particularly for individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking medications.

Author's photo

Ryan Herbert

I am the Chief Packing Officer (CPO) at NZ Herbal Health. My mission in life is to fulfill your order as fast as humanly possible. More articles with regards to kratom, it's optimal usage, and nootropics are on their way!

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